

塔尔晴 2020-12-23


The mystery has been prayed for. 神明已经发出祷告。 My dear miss angel, what will you choose? 我亲爱的天使小姐,你将会如何抉择? The scales of judgment lean only towards the just. 审判的天秤只会倾向公正的人。 The blood of the elven royal family and the angelic family. 精灵皇族和天使一族的血脉。 Miss guide, your heart is open. 引路人小姐,你的心扉已经敞开。 The bell of fate has rung, please come to the tree of life. 命运的钟声已经敲响,请来到生命之树下。 The angels are about to be swallowed up by the darkness. 天使将被黑暗吞噬。 Boy in Tang suit! If you really love her, please comfort Kong when she is lonely. 唐装少年啊!你如果你真的爱他,请在她孤独的时候安慰她。 She will do everything she can to save the one she loves. 她所爱之人,她将拼尽一切去拯救。 May you have happy years. 愿你们有幸福的年华。 [岁之流沙一点一点的流逝着,枯竭的油灯忽明忽亮,少女即将打开翅膀,带来世界光明。时钟已经敲响,大厅被透进一丝月光,被锁链锁困住的少女,唇角露出嗤笑。] [ My name is Ancelia, welcome to the game of trial! ] [少女的眼睛随着月亮逐渐变圆,变成了血红色,她舔了舔皱巴巴的嘴唇,锁链即将断裂。以往的天使到底会变成怎样?] A story about angels is about to begin. The game begins, in the night.