

MFiona 2021-10-04


原创女主.琳·笙/男主.奥利弗·伍德 Lynn sheng Oliver Wood Lin Sheng: "It seems that from that day on, I met you. I looked at you for a moment, then I realized that in this world besides study, you are also very interesting to me. The days after that are still long! Nice to meet you. My name is Lin Sheng." 琳·笙:“好像从那天起,我遇到了你,一瞬间我看呆了一会,我才发现这世界上竟然除了学习,好像有也令我感兴趣的事物了,时光尚早,岁月悠长。很高兴认识你,我叫琳·笙。” Wood: "Oh? Lynn Sheng, the girl from Eagle Yard? They're not always very good at Eagle Yard Quidditch, so they're not here to eavesdrop on our tactics, are they? But she's pretty, I hope not." 伍德:“哦?琳·笙,鹰院的女孩啊?应该也,是书呆子一个,他们鹰院魁地奇一直不怎么好,这次来看我们训练不是为了偷听我们的战术吧?不过她长得还挺好看的,希望不会如此。” 我的眼中不知道从什么时候起,不在只有学习,好像还多了一个你 我的心里不知道从什么时候起已为沦陷,我的心里好像除了魁地奇,也多了一个你......” 希望山城的少年能够肆意奔跑,夏天的风终会吹到每个人的心间 少年は長い歳月にもめげず,彼方にはまだ栄光があ 每个人的心中都有自己的初恋,伍德 便是,他在我年少时期带给了我惊艳! 我很庆幸能遇到他,彼方尚有荣光在。